Nothing like a two week delay. Thank you for your patience. Please pardon any syntactical/grammatical stuff. I putting it out on the blog tonight, dang it. And I'm not reading it again. :)
Night Before:Finally got in from Denver (out there for some work funded Oracle training) roughly on time at 10 pm. Once I managed to find my bags (which had been on the earlier flight, on the off chance I could get on with standby, I was able to get to my car and drive to the Howard Johnson's a few miles away.
Thanks to the power of the iPhone and Google Maps, I was finally able to get there after taking a wrong turn, get checked in, and call Val. We talked about the logistics of getting her and Kaitlyn down to the finish line and decided that it just wasn't very practical. My Dad was going to be there, so I'd still have a ride home.
One of the disadvantages of the size of this race, and the course, is that it is in no way as spectator friendly as the Seattle Marathon is.
While Val and I talked I laid out all my gear for the night before, most of it coming from a box that had been sitting in my trunk for the last week. I was paranoid they'd lose my bags, so everything I'd need was duplicated in the box so I wouldn't have to worry about it. Only thing that I did wrong was pack the cheap band-aids, but they held up OK in the end.
The room was absolutely tiny, with a window AC unit practically on top of the bed, and the refrigerator was close enough you could touch it with your foot if you sat on the corner of the bed. And it had a noisy compressor that would kick in about every 45 minutes. Not the best 5 hours of sleep I've ever gotten. Laid down around 1145, and up at 445.
Morning Before:The morning routine went pretty smoothly. Up and started putting on clothes, eating my traditional pair of CLIF nectar bars and getting 16 oz of water down. All the wast disposal systems cooperated, and between changing, eating, taping ankles, remembering packet pickup documentation, putting gear back into car, getting parking paid for for car, etc. it all went smoothly, and I started walking the mile to the start at about 5:20, right about on time.
I was a bit nervous about the walk to the start at first as the first block was a little seedy. What I get for a airport hotel right on 99 I guess. :) After that first block it settled out into normal residential ares, and I was up early enough that there weren't a whole lot of people out and about.
Had to cut through what the map said was a valid street, that apparently suffered a sinkhole at one time and was officially closed, and then had to cut down an embankment when I realized the right turn was a road under the one I was on. A few minutes after that I was suddenly at the start area
Prerace:Right by the corner I came into the office park was the Customer Support tent, and I was able to pick up my bit and chip with now problems. They used this cool disposable chip that took me more time to get put onto my shoes than it did to get my packet. Attached to the bib was a ticket so I could pick up my tshirt at the end of the race, so they had that figured out already.
Got in line to use the portasans, and finally got to meet Betsy from Eat, Drink, Run Woman when she spotted me standing in line. I was right behind a group with some really nice embroidered jackets from the Toad Hall Track Club. They were having a lot of fun, one of them actually put a banana peel outside her buddies portasan as a gag. Kind of had to be there I guess. :) She handed me a business card, but their website doesn't work. Bummer for them I guess. :) As I was walking away I got to see Tina Ellis (MM #975) from Beach to Chowder again too.
I still had around an hour to go so I started walking around to find my corral, get oriented and see if I could find any of the people I knew who were running the race. As I was walking down the currently empty corrals, I had to make way for a group of belly dancers working the opposite way. Seemed really random. Gotta love 'em for being out there, but they made me vaguely uncomfortable.
No joy looking for friends, so I got back in line for the portasans again, managed to open a door on a poor gal who hadn't locked her door, and headed for my corral to get settled. Looked a little more and then headed back to Corral # 10.
Took a couple of snaps with the iPhone, and someone took a picture of me. It might even have been Nikki, a Race director from California (Under The Sun Events) who I chatted with until the start. She was running the half, her first race since giving birth, and now 6ish months postpartum and (I certainly wouldn't have guessed.) and shooting for 2:00:00 as I recall
We chatted till they played the National Anthem, and then they started the race. Volunteers kept the corrals divided by holding lengths of rope between themselves until the corral was at the start line when they got out off the way and when John Bingham (of RW fame) said GO! off each corral went. They said go and we didn't even notice till we saw people ahead of us start moving. Garmy says I crossed the start line around 7:14. The official start was at 7. Gotta love chip timing. I think I tagged the start a few seconds early, but again, Yay Chip Timing!
The plan I finally decided on was to do essentially what I did at the Beach To Chowder Half and go by pace, heart rate, and comfort level. As described long ago the goals were in ascending order of likelihood, 3:50ish, 4:00, 4:15 or under, beat previous PR (4:32:58), finish. (Assign values to each goal as desired.)
Mile 1: 09:21/mile @ 149First mile was the typical large race first mile, but much more reasonable than I expected given that there were already 7000 people out on the roads with me. Probably thanks to the corrals. The standard bobbing and weaving and sorting yourself out and finding the people that you might see for the next couple hours.
Early water stop at mile 1ish, first bands and first cheer squads. I must be getting old. The cheer squads, all of them, looked an awful lot like middle schoolers to me. The list implies that most of them are high schoolers. Cheering in general on the course was pretty mellow. Lots of "G. O., Runner, Go" chants. :)
Heart rate at the end of the mile was at the original target of 158, but given how flaky first miles on run and in races can be I decided to give it another mile and reevaluate.
Mile 2: 09:44/mile @ 157With a full mile of data, but some more hills, I'm starting to not be very happy about the pace at the current heart rate target. This report is long and getting longer as I fill things in so I'll put more analysis in another post, but I knew this wasn't going to be a 3:50 day right here. At Beach To Chowder, I must have just been ON. At this heart rate, I was at 8:43/mile. I 'm pretty sure I've got an ugly hill coming up in mile 3 or the beginning of mile 4 so I decide to keep the HR down, continue to warm up and settle into my stride.
Love those hard turns. The sharp right turn and the crowd made for some awkwardness as we all tried to get our feet under us and maneuver for the first time as a group. Over the freeway, and a hard left and we're really moving now.
Mile 3: 09:51/mile @ 158Still working our way uphill and over the crest as we head toward Seward Park. Since I'm still on the hill, I decide to keep the lower HR till I get to the top of the hills and not completely trash myself out too early. Not settling into anything... Looks like this HR/pace combination is here to stay. Going to have to pump it up a little I think.
Water station was right at the start of the mile. Apparently the mile 2.5 water station was the Balanced Athlete station. Saw Eric on the side of the road looking for some of his athletes, and recognized a couple of his crew working the water line.
Mile 4: 09:17/mile @ 159Heading mostly downhill or flat for this mile. Pace is better, but I've still got that 3:55/4:00 in my head, and decide to start working my heart rate up to try to make up some time. New HR target is around 168.
Hard right, and now we're really headed for Seward Park, my first major mental checkpoint.
Mile 5: 09:32/mile @ 170As we can see I didn't so well with keeping 168 thanks to the hill, but 170 felt comfortable, so I went with it, even up the hills that slowed me down.
Finally hit the top of the hill near the end of the mile, thank goodness.
Mile 6: 08:18/mile @ 170Finally some downhill at the new HR. No real effort, just flying down the hills letting them do the work as I make up some time. Round the corner at Seward Park and turn onto Lake Washington Boulevard. This time, with no fog, I can see. And the view is absolutely wonderful. I even hear some people comment on how pretty it is. And then I start paying attention to my running, and avoiding people, and ignore the view.
At this point in things a 'scenic' marathon would really be lost on me. I don't really look around much when I run, especially in races. Apparently there was a bald eagle here. Missed it.
Mile 7: 08:45/mile @ 170Lake Washington Boulevard is pleasant, and flat. Since we don't have the out and back like Seattle had we have the whole road, which means it's easier to run in the middle and stay off the cambered parts of the road that annoyed me so much last year. Admittedly we weren't as far along as I was last year, but it was nice to be headed north feeling good.
Mile 8: 08:57/mile @ 170More Lake Washington Boulevard. Very gradual rise, but nothing significant. Chat with a woman running her 4th marathon, who ran Seattle last year. We discuss how much nicer it is to run this year without the fog this time.
Mile 9: 09:03/mile @ 170More Lake Washington Boulevard. One minor hill toward the end, but nothing major. Last part of this mile was through a very nice area of town. I remember this part of town from last marathon. Very nice. There was a volunteer here, or maybe at mile 6, who was misting runners with a hose. Thanks to him.
Mile 10: 08:55/mile @ 170Brief short, hard hill up the access road to the freeway , where the half marathoners split toward the stadiums and the finish line, and we marathoners hang a right out onto the I-90 floating bridge. And then a nice easy downhill.
The bridge has some great views, but it's hot out in the sun, even with the breeze, and while I don't normally notice the hardness of roads, the bridge feels a little hard on the legs. Finally back up the bridge and toward the tunnel.
Mile 11: 09:02/mile @ 169Around the turnaround and the water stop and the band and back down hill and then back up the rise into the I-90 tunnel. Just after I crossed into the tunnel, I had a guy come up behind me, and tell me how glad he was to see another yellow bib. And how awesome it was that he has made up so much time from corral 23. The I realized that I think he came in from an angle...where we rejoined the half marathoners where we had left them at just after mile 9.
Maybe I should have said something, but I didn't. I'm pretty sure he didn't run the bridge and got mixed up with the split. Wonder if he ever figured it out? Or if I'm wrong and just thinking the worst about someone I've never met.
Mile 12: 09:17/mile @ 170Through the tunnel, and out. This was a bit of a slog. The band and water station at the end of the tunnel was a bit squirrelly. The band and the echoes from it made it practically impossible to hear, the water stop was uncomfortably tight, and a bottleneck.
Coming out of the tunnel was the nicest thing ever, it was about 20 degrees cooler outside than it was in the tunnel, and a light breeze welcomed us back to the sunlight and fresh air.
Mile 13: 08:47/mile @ 171Hit the half at 2:02:24 (9:21/mile overall pace). Seattle was 2:04:35 (9:35/mile)
I remember this stretch of I-90 from Seattle. The roadway camber is horrendous, like 10 degrees one way. And we're out in the open again.
We've been back in the mix with the half marathoners again for a while and if feels a bit crowded.
See at least two runners in colorful Balanced Athlete jerseys/shirts.
Saw medical staff arriving at the side of a runner or volunteer on the ground with their fee being elevated by a fellow runner. Hope that worked out OK. :(
Mile 14: 09:15/mile @ 169Finally turning into the city and off the freeway. Now we have spectator support again, it's almost odd. Cross one section with people cheering on both sides of the road. Almost have to slow slightly as people skitter from one sides to the other.
Odd to be running through the buildings, and such. You'd think that the city could have filled holes and cracks a little better though. :) Can see the stadiums, the finish line, for part of this leg. It's almost sadistic. End of the mile is a hard left toward the next major milestone, the transition to the double out and back on the Viaduct.
Mile 15: 08:53/mile @ 169About a quarter mile into this leg we split from the half marathoners the final time as we get into the Viaduct. The half marathoners hang a left and head toward the finish line. We hang about a 110 degree right and get some nice shade and a breeze off the water as we start working our way north. It's a boatload less crowded now. :)
Running on the lower level of a double decker bridge is a little odd. Not something you do every day for certain. :)
I haul the iPhone out and text Val '15'. I can't remember if I am supposed to from our discussions last night, so I do it anyway. Notice I have a Voice mail and no missed call, so I check it. I'm anal I guess. Turns out it was my Mom wishing me luck. I call her back on the run and leave her a message, pack my stuff up and keep moving. Apparently concentrating on the phone makes me faster though.
Mile 16: 09:39/mile @ 170A 'well meaning' volunteer got called out by a fellow runner. She was calling out the whole 'almost done' thing. Seriously, we've got 10 miles to go. That's not almost done. Didn't bother me much, but the gal who called her down was seriously bothered by it.
Through the Battery Street tunnel,and out. Another 4/10ths of a mile of noise, humidity, and extreme road camber. End of the mile is just as we exit the tunnel. Seriously? I've still got double digits to go. I can't start counting down yet.
Mile 17: 08:35/mile @ 167Technically, I guess we're on Aurora Avenue now. And it's a long slow log of uphill for a few miles. It's getting pretty warm, and there's no real cloud cover at this point.
Pretty seriously considering 'downgrading' to running halves. I'd have been done 4 miles ago. And I'd be able to run another next weekend.
I can finally start counting down the last miles!
Mile 18: 10:26/mile @ 170Seriously? Over 10 minutes a mile? Are you fucking kidding me? God. Does this hill never effing end?
Just about to the top of this hill, and I see a lollipop and a cluster of runners. It's the 4:00 pace group. I left them behind around mile 3, and now they've caught up. This may be my only chance to get back on pace to meet the 4:00 goal. I tuck in behind the group, try to hold on, and pray that we get to the top of the hill so maybe I can keep the pace.
Finally get onto the Aurora Bridge near the end of the mile, with a slight downhill, and I can almost breathe again.
Mile 19: 09:04/mile @ 172I'm holding on as we run down the downhill of the bridge, and then we get to the u-turn, on the other side, which requires a brief, probably not so steep uphill that just destroys me. I make it around the u-turn and back to the downhill, before the uphill back up the bridge and am physically incapable of holding the pace. And then, at the risk of sounding melodramatic, I watch 4:00 run off into the distance.
It's not so bad though because I'm busy trying not to collapse as I work my way back up the bridge. What speed I got this mile was thanks to the pace group, but I'm starting to run out of energy.
Mile 20: 10:13/mile @ 172Only think that kept the pace somewhat lower was the downhill as I recovered from pushing too hard to keep up with the group. I remember hearing one of the bands on the way up, and I got to hear them again. I'm not normally a reggae kind of guy, but they sounded good. Starting to get seriously warm without any cover.
Probably need to make my training long runs longer. Not for the physical endurance, but for psychological. I hit this marker and the first thing I thought was: "Aren't I supposed to stop now?"
Mile 21: 09:28/mile @ 166Still downhill, and warm. Reenter the Battery Street Tunnel just at the end of the mile. Back to camber, heat and humidity. No cheering in this tunnel. Just the pitter patter of little feet, and the sound of breathing. Can't get my HR up to 171ish no matter what I do. I'm baked.
Mile 22: 09:25/mile @ 168Out of the tunnel, and back onto the viaduct. Just chugging along, cooking.
Mile 23: 09:59/mile @ 167Still running on the Viaduct. Just trying to hold on.
Mile 24: 10:12/mile @ 166About half a mile of downhill as we head toward the last turnaround. At least the viaduct miles were in the city. We're out in the port now, containers for the containers ships on either side of us, no cover and it just sucks. I decide during this mile that I'm not running again after I finish this fucking thing. Ever again. I'll just sit on the couch and get fat.
Mile 25: 10:29/mile @ 168This is just sadistic, who was the idiot that thought running a second marathon was a good idea? He really ought to be shot.
Hit the effing u-turn early in the mile. And some heavenly lukewarm water. And some crappy music.
Now it's just a slog back to the stadiums. Everyone is red and glistening with sweat. Really stuck in my head for some reason.
Mile 26: 11:27/mile @ 171Dying. It's hot, I can't remember if I took the GU at mile 23 or not. Last water station was a blessing as I'm out of water in the belt, and I'm cooking. We're all slowing down on the horrible half mile uphill. It's only like 50 feet of elevation gain, but it's just destroying people. Lots of walking going on. I consider it pretty strongly, but I'll be damned if I do. I'm running all of this one, even if it's slow.
Finally up the effing hill, and we hang really hard 120 degree right to go back down toward the stadiums.
Heart rate was up only because I was running up the hill. As you can see from the pace, I'm pretty done.
Mile 26.2: 09:31/mile @ 170Just as I hit the mile 26 marker, Tina, the marathon maniac came up behind me and invited me to run in with her. I tried to beg off and tell her that I wasn't going to be able to do it at her pace, anyway. She encouraged me to come on, and I was able to dig a little.
We ended up running behind, and then finally passing one of those medical golf carts hauling a guy to the finish, as we ran through the finish corridor. Hope he was OK.
Ah, the brain draining power of the marathon. It took me 5 seconds to realize someone was calling my name as I chugged through the corridor. About another 2 seconds to turn my head to the left. And about 3 more seconds of staring before I realized that Val and Kaitlyn had made it down to the finish!!
That gave me a nice last little bit of a boost, and I 'sprinted' in to the end. The finish video is pretty amusing to me.
Race final: 4:11:47 @ 167 bpm average, 9:37/mileJust after the finish line, I slowed to a walk, an staggered along for a bit, trying not to pass out as my 'sprint' had apparently raised my blood pressure and I was feeling pretty dizzy. After I started to recover, I realized my Dad was on the other side of the finish line, and he had me stop for some pictures. I staggered my way down the line toward the staged finish pictures, got some water, and a orange slice. Finally found a banana, and snarfed that down as I worked my way toward the family meeting area and the bit "C" that we were meeting under. :)
I met my Dad and Karen there, and after some confusion, and me finally sitting down, and demonstrating that I am completely incapable of higher brain function after a marathon, Val and Kaitlyn make their way over and I got the see my wife and daughter for the first time in a week. Happy tired Daddy. :)
My Dad took my fuel belt, since it now weighed about 80 pounds, and we wandered around the 'celebratory' area to find where I could get my tshirt (which they were kind enough to swap from a Large to a Medium). We then stopped at the store and decided that all the gear was overpriced and bailed out and went to find me a restroom.
After a much needed break we headed for the truck. Curbs were a challenge, and I was fortunate that Val had found a spot only a half-dozen blocks away. One of the biggest differences between this marathon and Seattle was that my recovery time was much faster. Steps and Curbs were a challenge, but by the time we made it to the truck I was moving stiffly, but still moving. And once in the truck, I was looking at next marathons, despite my howls of pain at mile 23-26, in 90 minutes instead of 7 days. :)
Drove back down the the start to get my car, and then back home for a shower and some chow. Dad and Karen watched Kaitlyn a few hours later and Val and I went out to Azteca. See, much better recovery than the last one. :)
Some Observations:Garmin doesn't play well in tunnels. :)
It seemed like some of the official mile markers were a little off in the 16 to 19 mile range, they seemed to get accurate again as the race continued though.
Don't remember the mile splits as vividly as Seattle. I was splitting manually then so that may be why. That and the fact that I was more focused on physical way points this race.
Bands weren't really that motivating. Couldn't hear most of them except for a couple hundred feet on either side of them.
The half marathoners really had the good race, scenery, etc. It seemed like they said, hey we've got an AWESOME half marathon, let's tack 13.1 more miles on it and make it a marathon. Not sure if I'll run this again.
Only physical damage this time was a blister on the ball of my right foot. Same place as last year, but no toe blister at least.
Almost burst into just random tears a couple of times after I was done and walking around. It's amazing how ling endurance events bring your emotions so close to the surface.
Fueling was mostly on schedule except for possibly mile 23. I can't remember if I talked myself out of it since I felt mildly nauseous. Snagged two cups at each water station after mile 8 or so, in addition to my bottles.
I REALLY need to thank Tina for helping pull me through to a 'kick' at the end.