Saturday, January 12, 2008

Couch To 5K: 1-3

First morning run. Bleah... This one was work

Took Toby along this time. He wasn't the problem. Once we got past his sniffing spots he ran when I ran, and heeled very well.

My calves felt like they weighed 50 pounds, but my thighs felt good. At least for the first half of the run. Second half was just hard. Not sure if it was hydration, food, or 5 hours of cleaning for Kaitlyn's birthday party today. Probably finished about where I finished on Tuesday. Nice to know I'm not going backwards at least.

I'm going to have to figure out morning run nutrition, too. I got up at 6 had some oatmeal and a banana, and went back to bed for an hour. Seems to have worked, we'll see next week.


Greg On the Run said...

Good job, Aaron. You're getting out there and getting it done. What kind of dog is Toby? I occassionally run with my friend's dog. I give her about 10 minutes of walking and sniffing almost everything and then we hit it. She's only 8 months old and I didn't take her out running until she was 6 months old. She's a husky and we're in the south so we only run together when the temp is below 65 and below 55 if we're going more than two miles.

Is there a running club in your town? I have to come to Seattle the first weekend in February and am looking for a group run and really haven't found anything in the Seattle area.

Aaron Cunningham said...

Thanks greg! You've got first comment in the blog. Nice to know someone is listening. :)

Toby is a Bernese Mountain Dog. We had to get him a cooling water bed last year so I think limiting the runs for a Husky to a temperature range makes sense.

I haven't done anything more than look at running clubs; I found this list when I did.

The November 2007 Runner's World featured Seattle in it's On The Go column. Had some good runs, Greenlake, the Waterfront, Seward Park. I know some of the runners at work like to doe Eastlake and Westlake around Lake Union.

Greg On the Run said...

Thanks for the info about the runs. I'll need to digg ot that Runners World magazine.