Tuesday, February 10, 2009

2/10 Run

Yet another late night run on the treadmill, 7 miles in 1:17:46 (11:07/mile)

I tried a different strategy and started a little slower, then bumped the speed up to my max heart rate instead of pegging it out and dumping it back down. Seemed to work, and I went a little longer at that pace.

The whole run was just brutal. I've been really tired, and my lower legs, below the knee, were tapped out fast. Skipped the workout again to run.

I had to talk myself out of bailing through he whole run, and then I had to talk myself into doing the scheduled 7 instead of qutting at 6 and adding the mileage on another day. It was probably an advantage that I had to reset the treadmill at 5 miles, because it meant I only had a mile to go to 6, and I was able to talk myself into 7 total.

Caught the last bit of Biggest Loser. I think my only objection (and it's why I don;t like a lot of reality show) is all the emphasis on drama. I want more time in the gym, more time listening to tips and tricks, and technique. Less drama about who's going home and hours of discussion about why.

1 comment:

*lisa* said...

Well before the "sick leave" I was comfortably under 12 ... but I can't complain too much. I can still run 30+ minutes without walking. As far as the 7miler, it was several weeks ago. So I'm slowly working back up to it but I'm not anticipating any big problems.

School is good. And you reminded me I have news to debut on my blog!