Monday, March 31, 2008

Monthly Weigh In - March

Despite all my worries about Easter, March turned out to be a fantastic month as far as weight loss went. Down another 7.5 pounds, for a grand total of 22 so far this year.

01 Jan 01 Feb 01 Mar 31 Mar
Neck 16.25 16.25 15.75 15.375
Waist 44.75 43.25 41.5 39.5
Bodyfat% 33.5 31.5 30.1 27.3
Weight 208 200 193.5 186

Moved the weigh-in to the end of the month so I can start the next month fresh.

Had my cardiologist appt, got clearance to run the marathon (no surprise there).
The best part is that my standing BP was 106/70, so I get to halve my blood pressure meds. If I lose the rest of the weight and keep running by my next appt (4 months) he'll take me off completely. We talked through the cholesterol numbers, and apparently the lowered triglycerides mean I'm processing sugars, etc. better now that I'm running. The HDL, LDL changes are just because, well... the tests can vary. We are going to try some Niacin to see if that will pump up my good cholesterol though.


*lisa* said...

your HDL's will likely increase with more exercise as well so you should be in dandy shape for your next appt!

Anonymous said...

Wow, congratulations!! Here's a question for you-- at what point in your weight loss can you "see it" in the mirror? I don't know if it's too gradual or what, but I'm having a hard time seeing any changes in my body with 11 pounds lost. A friend told me 20 lbs was the noticeable amount for her. Do you see it in other ways, too?

Da Doo Run Run said...

Hey Aaron. Your numbers look great! Good for you.

Thanks for the encouraging comment. I do think going back to work will make me more patient with my kids. We'll see what happens. The job lead I had written about is probably not going to pan out, but I'll keep at it.

Can't believe you are on the road to running a marathon. That is just crazy to me! I know you'll get there, though.

Unknown said...

Way to go! I look forward to reading about your marathon adventure. (And by the way, while I'm hoping you DO visit Ovens to Betsy, you need not remove Eat Drink Run Woman. Check out the latest update :)

Aaron Cunningham said...

lisa: thanks. I certainly hope so. :)

dani: thanks. I'm only lookin one phase at a time right now, the whole thing goes from 'I can do that' to 'what am I thinking'.

edrwoman: frikin' april fools day :)

run runner: I started seeing things at about that weight, mostly in my face. I seem to carry a lot of visible weight there, so I see it pretty quickly. Most other progress was noticed at at 15 to 20 pounds though.

The other thing that I started to notice was not necessarily weight loss, but the 'toning' from running. I could see some definition around my knees and thighs again, and a small amoount in my calves. I can't see it, but I could really feel my lower back muscles again. Most of that happened about week 8 of Couch To 5K or so.

MomOf4 said...

Wow! You have done a great job! 22 pounds is wonderful! Good for you!