Monday, March 3, 2008

Couch To 5K: 9-1

Ahhhh... 30 minutes! The first run in the middle of the day. Also first group run. Ended up being about 2.9 miles (I thought it was over 3 given how hard I felt like I was working.)

We walked to Lake Union as a group, then started running, with a goal for the group of 15 minutes out, then return. The gazelles took off, I ended up at the same pace as my boss, and there were two gals who were run/walking were behind us. I really felt like I was pushing, and I would have sworn we were moving at a faster pace then my 28 minute run on Saturday night.

I'll run the 30 minutes on my home course and see how that goes. I know, I'm supposed to be running for time, not distance. It's really hard not to though, especially with my first race being a bit longer than a 5K (oops), I'm starting to be paranoid about distances.

I think I am running a bit harder than I would be, having a conversation was bit of a challenge. Once we free up some money, I'll see about getting a heart rate monitor (or I guess I could just do it the old fashioned way, but that means no new toys. :))

It's knid of nice being done with my run at this point in the day. I might even be able to go to be early. :)

1 comment:

*lisa* said...


Your posts are bumming me out that I'm back here on week 4!! (but only a little - because I know i'll get there soon)