Friday, February 5, 2010

2/3 Run

Wednesday I decided to go for a run at lunch despite time constraints when I realized I was seriously considering clubbing someone like a baby seal. Time to run. :)

Not the ideal day for a run, mid 40s and rainy, but it turned into a good hard frustration expending tempo run. As fast as my 10K PR, at a lower HR for 6.5ish. Doesn't leave a lot of room for anything byt burning it all out. Of course, an hour after I got back into the building the sun came out and it was gorgeous, till I had to walk to the bus, when it started to pour again. :) Went out way too fast, and the last mile or so was a lot of work to keep some kind of speed together.

Only bad part to the run was walking back into the garage. I slipped and fell on a section of algae coated concrete (cleaned after my notification of facilities). Road rash on my hip and calf, and a silver dollar sized patch of missing skin under my knee. And 2 days later my left tricep, which must have caught me, feels like a horse kicked it. Ah, well.

6.49 miles in 49:50 (7:41/mile) @ 169 bpm

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